

Terms used in this Agreement:
«Game» — an entertaining game event, which begins at the time, specified in the Organizer’s schedule, and which is held during a certain continuous period of time in accordance with the scenario and terms, which are defined by the Organizer, and which also include compliance with Rules.

«Services Location» — Moscow, Rochdelskaya street, 15, building 23, 1st floor, placement 1, room 5.

«Organizer» — SVERAI LLC (OGRN 1027739895039), a juridical entity, which is an owner of the Site, as well as a provider, who organizes the provision of Services to the User.

«Personal Data» — any information, related directly or indirectly to a specific or identifiable individual (subject of personal data).

«User» — individual, who registers on the Site in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

«Rules» — mandatory for compliance during the receipt of the Services by every User requirements and rules, including, but not limited to: restrictions on the age, team and number of the Participants for participation in the Game, restrictions on the Participant’s health and personal fitness, etc. depending on the conditions of provision of the Service of a certain type.

«Profile» — combination of e-mail/mobile phone number and password for an access to the User’s personal page within the Site, allowing access to the Site services.

«Site» — resource, located in the Internet at anvio.com, through which information about the Services is provided. The Site additionally gives the User an opportunity through the Internet interact with the Game booking system at a desired time (Session), including a possibility to obtain available descriptions, images, availability and conditions, as well as the price of Session booking.

«Service», «Services» — a set of activities, held by the Organizer during the Game session, as well as other related activities in accordance with the User instructions, the Participant (his/her legal representative) or other entity, who wishes to take part in the Game personally or provide Game participation for the other person (persons).

«Participant» — individual, who is the recipient of the Service (Services) for participating in the Game.

1. General Provisions:
1.1. This Agreement is a public offer in accordance with part 2 of Article 437 of Civil Codex of the Russian Federation (CC RF) and defines the conditions for provision and receiving of the Services, provisions for Services booking, as well as the conditions for the Site using.

1.2. This Agreement comes into effect from the moment of the User and/or Participant (his/her legal representative) consent with its conditions in the order, defined in parts 1.3 and 1.4 of this Agreement, and is valid for an unlimited period of time.

1.3. When passing a registration procedure, the User is deemed to have thoroughly read and unconditionally accepted the conditions of this Agreement fully without restrictions in accordance with Article 438 of CC RF by putting a note about the consent (tick) in a special field near the reference to the text of the User Agreement near the phrase “I accept the conditions of this User Agreement”.

case the User is not agree fully or partially with the terms of this Agreement, the User does not have right to use the Site materials or services, as well as receiving the Services.
1.4. Before the beginning of the Game the Participant is considered to read and unconditionally accept the terms of this Agreement fully without restrictions and provisos in accordance with the Article 438 of CC RF, as well as received all necessary explanations and additions, not described on the Site, by signing in a paper form directly before receiving the Services of the appropriate agreement.

1.5. The Organizer has the right at any time unilaterally and without any special notice to make changes and/or additions to this Agreement by publishing an updated version on the Site. Updated version of this Agreement comes into effect from the moment of its publication on the Site.

case the User is not agree fully or partially with an updated version of the Agreement, he/she does not have the right to use the Site materials and services.
1.6. Terms of the Site materials and services use are the subject of this Agreement and other agreements, published on the Site.

1.7. The current version of this Agreement is located in the Internet at anviovr.com.

1.8. To this Agreement are attached and are its integral parts:
Appendix № 1 — Form of confirmation of the legal representative for receiving the Services by the Participant.
Appendix № 2 — Application for refund of paid money.

2. Terms of Service
2.1. In order to receive Services, the Participant must acquire User status in order, defined in part 4 of this Agreement, as well as book the Session.
An individual, who wishes to receive the Services, also has the right to apply directly to the Organizer at the Services Location with the goal to take part in the Session in the nearest future if there are vacant places.

2.2. The Participants are allowed to participate in the Game in accordance with the Rules and part 3 of this Agreement, as well as after booking and paying a full amount for the Session.

2.3. Organizer working hours and Game keeping — from 11.00 to 01.00 every day.

2.4. The total number of participants in the Game simultaneously (during one Session) – not less than 1 and not more than 4 people.

duration of one Session — up to 45 minutes.
2.5. By paying for the Session the Participant automatically confirms that he/she is ready to ensure the presence of the Participants during the Game in accordance with part 2.4 of this Agreement, who meet the requirements of the Rules and other provisions of this Agreement.

2.6. It is forbidden to smoke, eat or drink during the participation in the Game. Participants, who violate this requirements, are not allowed to participate in the Game.

2.7. Before the start of the Game, the Participants have to meet necessary organizational and hygienic requirements of the Organizer, as well as requirements for ensuring personal safety.

2.8. In order to conduct a proper Game organization, the Organizer has the right to provide any other Services. The terms, order and cost of performing such Services are agreed with the Parties additionally.

2.9. The Organizer has the right to organize various stimulating events in order to attract attention of a potential Participants to the Game (promotions, gift cards for participation, etc.). Participants are informed on the Site about the order of carrying out of the events and participation there, as well as through other ways, defined by the Organizer.

3. Rules for admission and participation in the Game
3.1. Persons over 12 years can participate in the Game.
Individual, who is from 12 to 18 years old, and who wants to participate in the Game, has to mandatory give a written agreement of his/her legal representative.

3.2. Physical, as well as a mental state of the Participant must meet conditions and order of the Game and participation in it.
In particular, the Game does not imply the possibility of participation in it the following categories of people:
- people with disabilities, disabled people,
- people with mental disorders of any kind in any expression,
- people in a state of alcohol and/or narcotic intoxication,
- people in smudging or dirty clothes, without shoes,
- people, behaving aggressively,
- people who do not meet or who do not follow any other terms of this Agreement,
- any other people, for whom there exists a probability, that a participation in the Game can cause the risk of any kind of negative consequences both for the Participant and for the Organizer (including negative consequences for the property).

3.3. The Organizer has the right to request from the Participant (his/her legal representative) a documentary evidence that he/she meets participation criteria according to parts 3.1 and 3.2 of this Agreement.

3.4. Directly before the carrying out the Game, the Organizer conducts an instruction with the Participants and their legal representatives (in case the Participant is not older than 18 years and a legal representative is also present at Services Location) in order to describe in details the rules of participation and carrying out the Game, as well as to determine the risk of any negative consequences for the Participants during the participation in the Game in accordance with part 3.2 of this Agreement.

3.5. The Organizer has an unconditional right to refuse to provide Services in case he/she has suspicions about the consistency of data reported by the Participant (his/her legal representative) in accordance with parts 3.1 and 3.2 of this Agreement, as well as after the instruction, held in accordance with part 3.4, the Organizer revealed the risk of occurrence of any negative consequences for the Participants after participation in the Game.

3.6. The Participant and/or his/her legal representative has the right to independently decide not to take part in the Game at any period of time without explaining the reasons and with applying the consequences in accordance with part 3.8 of this Agreement.

3.7. In case the Organizer refuses to provide Services before the beginning of the Game Session, except for the case in accordance with part 3.8 of this Agreement, the Organizer refunds the money, paid for the Services, in accordance with parts 4.8 and 4.9 of this Agreement.

3.8. In case
- the Participant or his/her legal representative has provided unreliable information in accordance with parts 3.1 and 3.2 of this Agreement, which is confuted on the basis of a submitted documents in accordance with part 3.3 or other evidences, or
- the Participant or his/her legal representative of his/her free will has refused to participate in the Game later than a week before the Session
The Organizer collects from the User a penalty for refusal for providing the Services in the amount of the full cost of a paid Services, which have to be provided in accordance with parts 4.8 and 4.9 of this Agreement.

3.9. The Participant has to arrive at the Services Location not later than _15_ minutes before booked Session.

3.10. The Participant has to have a passport or other identity document, as well as e-ticket in case the Session booking was made via site.

3.11. In case the Participant has not reached 18 years age, he/she has to arrive at Services Location with his/her legal representative or have a written agreement from one of the parents (other legal representative), written in accordance with Appendix 1 to this Agreement, which includes a confirmation of the Services receipt by the Participant, original signature of a legal representative, its description, as well as a copy of the legal representative passport (all pages).

4. Booking and payment for the Services
4.1. Provision of the Services for the Game organization is possible only under a condition of its full prepayment in a specified amount in order, determined by this Agreement.

4.2. When booking the Session via the Site, the User pays a full amount with a credit card for the participation in the Game of all members. Upon a successful payment, the User receives e-ticket in the prescribed form.

4.3. Session booking is carried out during the period not later than two weeks until the moment of its start. If there are free Sessions, booking can be made at a later date.

4.4. Session booking can be cancelled not later than one week before its start with a full refund of the cost for participation in the Game, minus the cost of Organizer’s expenses. If the Session cancellation is made at a later date, the Organizer charges a penalty from the User in accordance with part 3.8 of this Agreement.

4.5. The User has the right to assign his/her right to participate in the Game, which was fully paid, to the other person, who meets Participant criteria in accordance with this Agreement. To make this, the User has to contact the Organizer with the ways, described on the Site, or via the Organizer contacts, described on the Site, and receive a confirmation from the Organizer that the other Participant will participate in the Session.

4.6. The cost of participation in the Game for a Session, available for booking, is indicated on the Site and includes the cost of participation for all Participants in the amount, defined in part 2.4 of this Agreement.

4.7. The payment for Services can be made by the User or by other individual on behalf of the User. In this case, the Session is booked for the User, whose data were defined during the registration on the Site.

4.8. Services cost refund in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement is performed at the Services cost rates, which remained in force at the moment of its actual payment. Payment refund is made to the person, who actually made the payment for the Services, in the way, with which the payment was made, within 10 (ten) days from the date of submission by the authorized person of the respective application in a written form to the Organizer address.

4.9. In order to refund the payment, the User and/or the Participant has to show a passport, as well as provides the details of e-ticket in accordance with part 4.2 of this Agreement.

5. Terms of use of Site materials and services
5.1. The User has to read this Agreement carefully.

5.2. The Organizer has the right to send Users an informational and advertising messages (mailout) on e-mail, specified in Profile, and on mobile phone.
The User agrees to receive newsletters by putting in his/her Profile a note of consent (tick) in a special field near the phrase “I agree to receive informational messages from the Organizer”. The User has the right to refuse receiving mails by removing a tick from the above-mentioned special field.

5.3. The Organizer has the right to establish restrictions for use of the Site materials and services unilaterally both for all the Users and for a certain categories of Users.

5.4. The User does not have the right to use any devices, programs, procedures, algorithms and methods, automatic devices or equivalent manual processes for accessing, purchasing, copying and tracking the Site content.

5.5. The User does not have the right to violate the security or authentication system on the Site or in other network, related to the Site of the Organizer.

5.6. The User does not have the right to use the Site or its content for any purposes, prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as to incite to any illegal activity or other activity, which violates Organizer’s and/or other individuals’ rules.

5.7. All objects, available when using the Site, including design elements, text, graphical images, illustrations, videos, computer programs, databases, music, sounds and other objects, located on the Site (collectively, the “Content”), are the objects of exclusive rights of the Organizer and other rightholders. Any use of the Content without the consent of its rightholders is strictly prohibited.

5.8. In order to use the Site functional services, the User has to pass a registration procedure (Profile creation) on the Site.

5.9. When registering (Profile creation), the User inputs in a special registration form his/her name, e-mail, mobile phone number, as well as he/she creates own password for access to the account.

5.10. The User independently tracks the data access security on his/her profile, as well as is responsible for the security of chosen ways for accessing the Profile. The User is independently responsible for all actions and omissions when using the Site services under own Profile, as well as during own free will transfer by the User of the data for accessing the Profile by a third parties under any conditions (including contracts and/or agreements). Any action, performed under the User Profile, is considered to be performed by the User himself/herself, excluding the cases, when the User notified the Organizer about an unauthorized access to his/her Profile and/or about any violation (suspicion of violation) of confidentiality of Profile access.

5.11. Personal information, provided by the User, contained in the Profile, is saved and processed by the Organizer in accordance with part 6 of this Agreement.

6. Personal data and privacy policy
Please, see the Privacy Policy webpage.

7. Responsibility. Liability restriction
7.1. The User, the Participant and his/her legal representative evaluate their capabilities and opportunities of participation in the Game themselves. The responsibility for a decision about receiving the Services, taken by the Participant or his/her legal representative, as well as a decision about booking the Session and/or participation (right to participate) in the Game (including the provision of falsified papers, signatures and other unreliable information) in any case is taken by the Participant and/or his/her legal representative.

7.2. Until the moment of booking the Session or before the payment for participation cost in the Game directly at Services Location, the Participant and/or his/her legal representative has the right to ask the Organizer for a necessary information, explanations and comments on any questions, related to the order of provision of Services, the specifics of participation in the Game by a certain persons, other essential conditions for provision and receiving Services.

7.3. The Organizer has the right to refuse to give answers on any questions or any other questions in accordance with part 7.2 of this Agreement, in case they are not related to the receiving information by the User, the Participant or his/her legal representative as consumers, but the goal is to collect the information about the Organizer activity as an entrepreneur, and such information is not the object of mandatory disclosure on the basis of applicable law.

7.4. All actions, taken by the Participant in the Game, are made by themselves under the full responsibility of the Participants themselves or their authorized persons.

7.5. In case of damage of Organizer’s property or other individuals’ property, which is used during the Game, the Participant or his/her legal representative undertakes to immediately compensate the cost of such property.

7.6. All Site materials and services are provided in their original form, without a guarantee of the completeness or timeliness and without any other expressed or implied guarantees. The access to the Site, as well as the use of its materials and services, is provided exclusively by the User own will and at his/her own risk.

7.7. The Organizer does not bear any responsibility for any errors, misprints and inaccuracies, which can be found in materials, published on the Site.

7.8. Some links on the Site lead to resources, located on a third-party sites. This links are located for the convenience of the Users, and it does not mean that the Organizer approves the content of other sites or in any way encourages actions of their owners. Besides that, the Organizer does not bear any responsibility for the accessibility of these resources and for their content. This statement applies to all links, located on the Site, and materials of all web sites, accessible through banners and links on the Site.

7.9. The Organizer does not bear responsibility for a possible unlawful actions of the User or the Participant in relation to third parties, or third parties in relation to the User or the Participant during the provision of the Services, as well as a result of their provision.

7.10. The Site can use identifiable files “cookies” for saving personal and main information about the Users. «Cookies» are small text files, which can be used by Internet site to identify remaining visits, making it easier to access and use the site by the visitor, as well as tracking users addressing by the site, and collecting the main information to improve the content. When passing the registration procedure, the User agrees that the Site uses cookies.

7.11. The Organizer does not bear responsibility for a damage, losses and expenses (real or possible), caused in relation with the Site, its use or impossibility of the use, as well as incomplete, inaccurate, incorrect indication by the User his/her data when creating the Profile.

7.12. The Organizer does not bear responsibility for delays or failures during the provision of Services or any of their parts, caused by insuperable force, as well as any case of malfunction in telecommunication, computer, electrical and other related systems.

7.13. The Organizer does not bear responsibility for actions of translation systems, banks, payment systems, and for delays, connected with their work, in case the payment for Services is made with the help of an above-mentioned systems and structures.

7.14. If there is any doubt about who is the real recipient of the Services, the final decision is taken by the Organizer.

7.1.5. The Organizer does not take part in relations between the User and/or the Participant and/or his/her legal representative and/or any other individual, who made a payment, but for the reasons, which do not depend on the Organizer, does not participate in the Game and in other way expressed the willingness to cancel the participation in the Game or to yield his/her right to participate in the Game to another person.
If there are any doubts about the individual, authorized to participate in the Game, the Organizer has the right to be guided by the fact, that the rightful person is that person, who showed e-ticket, and if there is a need to refund Services cost in pre-defined by this Agreement cases, the Organizer has the right to refund respective cost to this person (his/her legal representative).

Appendix № 1
to the Public offer for provision of services by SVERAI LLC

The Director General of SVERAI LLC
I. S. Tikhonova
from ____________________,
identity is proved by the passport
Registered (__) at address________________________
Confirmation of the legal representative for receiving the Services by the Participant

I, _________________________(surname name father’s name), completely and unconditionally accept and agree with conditions of the Public offer about provision of services by SVERAI LLC, located on the site at anviovr.com («User agreement», hereinafter referred as Agreement) for provision of Services for the Participant - ____________________________(surname name father’s name), for whom I am a ____________, credentials are confirmed by ___________________, and as well I confirm, that the Participant:
1. is 12 years old or older;
2. his/her physical and mental state corresponds to the conditions and the order of the Game and participation in it;
3. he/she does not belong to any of the following categories of citizens:
- people with disabilities, disabled people,
- people with mental disorders of any kind in any expression,
- people in a state of alcohol and/or narcotic intoxication,
- people in smudging or dirty clothes, without shoes,
- aggressively minded people,
- people who do not meet or who do not follow any other terms of this Agreement,
- any other people, for whom there exists a probability, that a participation in the Game can cause the risk of any kind of a negative consequences both for the Participant and for the Organizer (including a negative consequences for the property).
All conditions of participation in the Game, its rules and the specifics are explained to me.
All necessary questions were asked by an authorized representative of the Organizer, completed answers were received.
The scope of responsibility of the Organizer and me as the Participant is clear and understandable to me.
I do not have any pretensions to the Organizer, including organizational, financial and of other types.

«____» ___________ 201__
Appendix № 2
to the Public offer for provision of services by SVERAI LLC

The Director General of SVERAI LLC
I. S. Tikhonova
from ____________________,
identity is proved by the passport
Registered (__) at address________________________
Application for refund of paid money

I, _________________________(surname name father's name), guided by the part 2 of Article 782 of CC RF, ask to refund me funds paid for the Services for participation in the Game during the Session, scheduled for ___________201_ at time «___»:«___» on the basis of the Public offer about the provision of services by SVERAI LLC, located on the site at anviovr.com, in the amount of_________ (___________________________________________).
The reason for refusal to receive Services is ____________________________.

«____» ___________ 201__